Ongoing Event

Non-Formal classes and Drawing competition for underprivileged children

We at Agape Blessed Foundation Trust believe that, a child’s imagination has immense potential and endless possibilities. With proper guidance, motivation and encouragement, they can push the boundaries of their mind and fill the world with joy and wonder.One such tool to help bring out their quirky personalities is Drawing and art. It is a great medium to allow kids to explore this world and themselves. Art can help them channelise their energy and efforts towards something positive that can help build a lot of character. They express themselves better through Art and very often their fears and inhibitions melt away.

ABFT’s belief in the power of expressing through art inspired our recently organised drawing competition on 3rd March 2022 for children staying at the Shahbad Dairy. We distributed stationary to all our enthusiastic participants and motivated them to believe in their capabilities of achieving wonders through art.

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