Masik Samyojna (Menstrual Hygiene)

Project “Maasik Sanyojna”

Since December 2021, Project “Maasik Sanyojna” has been dedicated to raising awareness about Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). Our mission is to address the unique needs of “people who menstruate” by ensuring they have safe and easy access to essential information, supplies, and other resources needed to manage their periods with dignity and comfort.

The Need for Menstrual Hygiene Management

The statistics surrounding menstrual hygiene in India are alarming. According to the Menstrual Hygiene Alliance of India, out of approximately 336 million menstruating individuals, only 36% use disposable sanitary napkins. Despite numerous initiatives such as the Menstrual Hygiene Management program, Sabla scheme, and the Swachh Bharat Mission, the condition of menstrual health among girls remains dire.

Challenges Faced

During our sessions, we have found that many girls are unprepared for menarche, the onset of menstruation. The dominant reactions reported are fear and panic. Mothers, often the primary source of information, provide limited guidance, usually restricted to the use of cloth or napkins. Community interactions reveal that mothers are hesitant to discuss menstrual health before menarche. Consequently, girls turn to friends and peers for information, which is often inaccurate, perpetuating myths and taboos.

Our Approach

Project “Maasik Sanyojna” aims to break this cycle of misinformation and stigma by:

  1. Education and Awareness Sessions:
    • Conducting interactive workshops and sessions in urban slum areas to educate girls and women about menstrual health and hygiene.
    • Providing comprehensive information on menstrual products, their usage, and proper disposal methods.
  2. Community Engagement:
    • Encouraging open conversations about menstruation within the community to normalize the topic and reduce stigma.
    • Training community leaders and mothers to become advocates for menstrual health.
  3. Access to Supplies:
    • Ensuring the availability of affordable and sustainable menstrual products.
    • Distributing sanitary napkins and reusable cloth pads to those in need.
  4. Support and Counseling:
    • Offering psycho-social support to girls and women to address the emotional aspects of menstruation.
    • Creating a safe space for them to share their experiences and concerns.


Through “Maasik Sanyojna,” we strive to empower girls and women in urban slum areas by equipping them with the knowledge and resources to manage their menstrual health with confidence and dignity. By fostering a supportive and informed community, we aim to break the cycle of fear and misinformation, ensuring a healthier and more inclusive environment for all.