
International Yoga Day Celebration: 21-Day Yoga Session for Children and Youth

At Agape Blessed Foundation Trust, we believe in nurturing both the body and mind of our community’s children and youth. In celebration of International Yoga Day, we organized a special 21-day yoga session dedicated to promoting physical fitness, mental well-being, and inner peace among young participants.

Event Highlights:

  • Dates: The yoga sessions were conducted over 21 days, coinciding with the International Yoga Day celebrations.
  • Participants: We were thrilled to have over 50 children and youth actively participating in each session. Their enthusiasm and commitment truly made the event a success.
  • Objective: Our aim was to introduce and familiarize young minds with the ancient practice of yoga, emphasizing its benefits for holistic health and wellness.
  • Activities: Each session was carefully crafted to cater to different age groups and skill levels, ensuring that everyone could participate comfortably and enjoyably. From basic postures to breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, every aspect of yoga was covered.
  • Impact: Throughout the 21 days, participants not only improved their physical flexibility and strength but also learned valuable techniques to manage stress, improve concentration, and foster a sense of inner calm.
  • Community Support: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all parents, guardians, and supporters who encouraged and facilitated their children’s involvement in this enriching experience
  • Physical Health: Enhances flexibility, strength, and posture.
  • Mental Well-being: Reduces stress, anxiety, and improves concentration.
  • Emotional Balance: Regular practice can lead to greater emotional resilience, improved self-awareness, and a deeper sense of inner peace.

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